Monday, July 30, 2012

New Developments

Last Tuesday Scott had a follow up CT scan which confirmed that he still has hydrocephalus.  His shunt was adjusted to allow for increased drainage and doctors reported that it will just take some time to reduce fluid and swelling.  The scan showed that it is reducing from week to week and they will continue to monitor the progress.

The big news is that Scott was finally transferred last Wednesday from the nursing facility in San Leandro to the rehabilitation facility in Vallejo.  This signifies excellent progress in terms of his recovery, as medical staff believe he is now able to follow enough commands and that he is strong enough for several hours of rehabilitation a day.  The facility in Vallejo specializes in TBI rehabilitation so almost immediately on Scott's arrival they began assessing his current abilities and tinkering with things like his feeding tube all for the purpose of facilitating recovery for someone with his kind of injury.  For example, it is very important for Scott to regain the ability to eat solid food.  However, his feeding tube was set on continuous feeding so he was never experiencing hunger.  This is appropriate and probably common for many people in the nursing facility who, based on their condition require long term continuous feeding.  In Scott's case he needs to regain those skills.  In the Vallejo facility they have adjusted his tube so feedings occur in meal like intervals rather than continuously.  Hopefully this will encourage him to want to eat solid foods and will facilitate his progress.

Also, all the rehabilitative exercises are focused on his particular injury.  He has access to about four hours worth of rehab each day which is a significant increase over the approximately one hour a day he had in San Leandro.  Jen is extremely happy with the care he is receiving in the new facility.  It is unclear how long he will remain in Vallejo but it will all depend on his progress.


  1. this sounds very positive! keep going y'all ~

  2. sounds like a really positive and huge step for scott.....prayers for great progress and wonderful care...

    patty mcdermott lieb

  3. Renner, Sounds like soon will be time for another visit with a bag of cheeseburgers.

  4. Glad to know you're one step closer to recovery!
