Thursday, July 19, 2012

More Progress and a Thank You

First off, thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to the donation fund.  The donations are coming in and are VERY appreciated.  As long as Scott remains in the skilled nursing facility his expenses are covered by insurance but soon, in a matter of weeks perhaps (?), he will transfer home and he and his family will incur many additional care expenses that will not be covered at that point.  All donations are being held to cover costs associated with Scott's care and rehabilitation once he moves back home.  For example, Scott will require round the clock monitoring for his safety once he moves home which means that if Jen steps out to take Floyd to school, go to the grocery store, or take the dogs for a walk, someone will need to be there with Scott.  This kind of expense is not covered by insurance, unfortunately.  Scott will also require some level of nursing care while at home, though it is unclear how much at this stage.  He currently remains on a feeding tube and requires help with other daily living activities right now, but that could all change in the coming weeks.  

Also, a huge thanks to everyone in Wilmington who is mobilizing to organize an amazing benefit event.  More information on the event - which sounds like it will include multiple days (Dec. 28 & 29, 2012) of some old school fun - can be found here:

Scott is still recovering from hydrocephalus, or the build up of pressure and fluid on his brain that occurred prior to his recent surgery.  As a result he remains a little sleepy and sluggish and is not yet back to the level of communication that he reached prior to the build up.  He has seemed to feel worse during the past few days and doctors determined yesterday that he has a UTI infection.  We aren't sure how long he has had this -- and it is very difficult to know because sadly he is unable to communicate his symptoms or to tell us when he is not feeling well.

Doctors are keeping a close eye on the hydrocephalus and he is scheduled for a follow up CT scan next Tuesday.

Despite his UTI and the impact of the fluid build up, Scott had a great visit with his his sister Ashley, his nephews Sam and Ben and brother-in-law Roger this week.  He has also been making good progress during his therapy.  His biggest strides have been made in the area of physical development and he is walking with only minimal assistance now.  Doctors think he should be ready to move on to the rehabilitation center in the near future.