Saturday, September 8, 2012

Drum Roll Please

Last Saturday Jen, Floyd, Karen & Scott, and Andrea & Andy brought Scott's drums to the rehabilitation facility at the recommendation of his physical therapist.  Jen was a little nervous about how he might react because so far he has not wanted to play with his drumsticks.

Apparently, after the drums were set up, Scott began tapping on them with his hands.  They handed him his sticks and he immediately executed a perfect drum roll!  Jen was inside making sure the music was not going to be too loud and missed the whole thing.  Jen reports that, though he wasn't interested in playing much more that day, he sat there and enjoyed an afternoon of music with friends.

Scott transferred from the rehabilitation facility back to the nursing facility in San Leandro on Wednesday.  Jen has been working to get him back on a schedule there and get his therapies all set up.  I'll provide more details on his progress in San Leandro when I have them.


  1. these korg wavedrums sound pretty cool and are small. could probably even be strapped to his chair and sit in his lap. you can plug headphones in also.
    here's a video explaining it:

  2. wonderful, and amazing. great work everyone! and hello Floyd :)

  3. Great to see Andy-O, Renner, and especially our main man looking happy! Fantastic pic!

  4. What a great post! A big smile here to accompany all of the other big ones in this photo. Awesome! :)

  5. Great news on progress- we continue to pray for Scott and your wonderful family. Keep the faith!

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