Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well I suppose it was inevitable but it was still hard to hear from the doctors that Scott now has pneumonia.  It is the result of the respirator remaining in his lungs for so long and an infection has developed.  Doctors wanted to remove the respirator sooner, but felt that he wasn't quite ready for it.

The doctors will treat the pneumonia separately from the injury and the brain trauma, though both treatments will happen simultaneously.  He was started on antibiotics for the pneumonia this afternoon and doctors believe it will take a week or so for the infection to clear up.  He requires a little closer monitoring now because they need to ensure that his blood oxygen levels and his blood pressure are high enough during the pneumonia for his brain to get what it needs.  So, they have the respirator turned back on and he is once again relying on the machines to breath for him.

The nurses are also monitoring his fever closely because there is some risk to his brain recovery if the fever spikes too high.

Things seemed a little shaky this am but, by this afternoon, he blood pressure, oxygen and fever were all under control.

The pneumonia feels like a set back, for sure.  But it is only temporary and once Scott beats the infection he'll be right back on track.


  1. They seemed like they were setting you all up for this possibility. It is hard to hear the news, but I know it is surmountable. Pacing along, sending you strength. Come on Scott :)

  2. You can fight all of these challenges, Scott! What a great team of Doctors and Nurses and Family surrounding you. We'll all pray you through each step and soon you'll be where you need to be. We love you!!

  3. We love you Scott! You have an awesome family and I hear you have the best medical care. Hang on my friend and stay strong. We all know you can do it!

  4. Turn that corner Scott. We are all looking forward to you dazzling us again.

  5. Scott hits hard! Dent the heads on this pneumo kit! Rock it, now.

  6. As you rest & heal, know that you are thought of warmly
    and wished a quick recovery. You will continue to be in my prayers, Scott! Love, Polly Cooke Dimidio

  7. Scott, all this news is overwhelming. I have been thinking about you, Jen and little Floyd since I heard. I know you will be ok. It's just a matter of time my friend.

  8. Hang in there Scott! Sending much love your way.

  9. Keep fighting it Scott. Overcome each hurdle one at a time and you will get there in no time.
    Randy and Kyoungha

  10. Lots of love and healing energy being sent your way Scott. Take all you need. Brad
