Sunday, April 8, 2012

Preparing for Transfer

Today doctors removed the fluid drain which started the transfer process for Scott.  This is bittersweet news.  On the one hand, after two weeks in their care, doctors at SF General finally feel he is stable enough for transfer to a Kaiser hospital, which means his condition is progressing and is very good news.  On the other hand he will no longer be located a few blocks from his home which will make commuting back and forth more difficult for Jen.  He will either be moved later on tonight or tomorrow morning and is expected to go to the San Francisco Kaiser Hospital.

In other news medical staff attempted to place a cap on Scott's head to keep him comfy and he reached right up and took it off.  Jen said he has also been trying to mess with the oxygen tubes in his nose and other little things that appear to be irritating him -- all good signs of responsiveness!


  1. So good to hear he's having opinions on his style! I hope that continues so he can help communicate what he needs and feels. Jennifer stay strong, we love you all very much.

  2. Ah, irritation :) keeps us moving forward at times! Good update here, continued thoughts and prayers for all of you ~

  3. Glad to hear of your progress.
    Sorry about the move though.

    Best wishes for your continued improvement.
    Katz family.

  4. I hear ya Scott. I hate it when people stick stuff up my nose too! Good news!


  5. this is excellent news ! after my brain surgery in 1999, i was recovering in ICU under med induced coma, I came to after 3 days by pulling at the tube that was up my nose !!! (it was all the way down to my stomach(for drain). i yanked the tube and split my nose open! BUT it was the first time i woke after the brain window was created on my skull. the nurses helped pull the tube out and could feel it all! i never went back to comatose state! after 2 more weeks in the hospital i went home :) . although my brain surgery was a planned surgery the trauma is the same as scotts. and i am FULLY recovered :) this tube grabbing and irritation is exactly what needs to happen :) soon he will speak again
    prayers are still going up
