Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hamburger and a Shake

The speech therapist has been working on trying to get Scott to eat more solid food, rather than simply relying on the feeding tube.  So far he has been pretty uninterested in it.  That is until his good buddy, Scott Renner, brought him a burger and a shake from In and Out burger.  He apparently scarfed down half a burger and a shake, his first real meal since the accident.  Since then Jen has been bringing him daily shakes to try and put a little weight back on him.  I'm sure that will start working in no time.

In other news, Scott stood on his own (without being held by physical therapists) for a few seconds during therapy this week.  The therapists believe he is capable of movement and are pushing him hard.  At this point it seems that he is having much more difficulty moving the right side of his body.  They believe that the difficulty he has moving is more to do with his body being inactive for so long and less to do with any neurological damage.  I'm not exactly sure what they base this on, and I suppose it really doesn't matter, we will go with it.  This is amazing, especially considering that doctors reported right after the accident that the primary trauma to his brain was in an area that impacts movement.

Scott continues to try and communicate and appears to be responding really well to all the visitors.  Jen believes he is very motivated to communicate with visitors and thinks he makes great progress with all the familiar faces around.

Scott's friend Anthony apparently also made a break through by putting a phone in Scott's hand last week.  As Jen says, "nobody likes to talk on the phone as much as Scott Jones."  He seemed very happy to simply have a phone in hand and even said a big "HELLO" to his mom and his sister Ashley.

Scott's next surgery is scheduled for June 20th.  During that surgery they will place an artificial bone in his skull.  We are all anxious for this surgery to happen and it is a great relief that it is finally scheduled.


  1. This is such wonderful news! We're hanging on every update and wish you all the best. Glad to know surgery has been scheduled as well. You're doing great Scott, keep it up!!! Love to you and your beautiful family.

  2. so wonderful to read such an amazing update.....great job, scott!

    patty mcdermott lieb

  3. That's awesome! Renner with the burger and shake! What a great read!

  4. There are miracles occuring out there. The love that you and Scott have for each other and the love that we all have for both of you is part of the cause. Love Dad

  5. This is terrific news! Thanks, Penny!!

  6. Way To go Scott! Sending lot's of love your way!

  7. Wow. Great progress Scott! Randy and Kyoungha

  8. i have heard that Renner's shake brings all the boys to the yard...

  9. This is excellent news! Great to read of so much progress. keep up the great work.

  10. GREAT idea to bring the burger and shake! Who could resist that? Way to go, Renner! I'm so glad to hear that Scott is making so much progress. I've kept him in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so until he's back home with his family.

  11. Wonderful to hear the remarkable progress. Considering the prognosis from Scott's initial injury to now, the scope and consistency of recovery is amazing.
    Cheers and cheers again our thoughts and best wishes are with you all.
