Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time For Visitors

Scott is now at the Kaiser Post Acute Care Center in San Leandro.  It seems that every transition gets off to a shaky start but he has now settled in to a nice room near a big sliding glass window with lots of light. Hopefully that will help him get his sleep schedule back on track.  He has a "sitter" to stay with him through the night and one is available to be with him when family or friends are not there during the day.

He is doing physical therapy once a day and has had two very good physical therapy appointments.  Yesterday they were even able to hoist him to a standing position and today they plan to try to transfer him from his bed to a wheelchair.

It is unclear how long Scott will remain at this facility.  The ultimate goal is for him to transfer to the rehabilitation facility in Vallejo.  He will not be eligible for transfer to there until he can follow verbal commands and is off the feeding tube and able to feed himself.  So, he has lots of work to do until then, but he is doing it.

Now is a good time for Scott to have visitors.  Having weekend visitors who will come and sit with Scott for a couple hours at a time would be very helpful.  It will allow Jen to take a little break from the hospital so that she can be with Floyd.  It seems especially important for Scott to have friends and family around during the weekends to answer questions for staff and, since staffing is reduced during that time, to make sure that Scott's needs are being met.  And, most of all, so that Scott can see a familiar face when he is awake.  For this weekend, if you are interested in visiting you can email Jen (godboldster at gmail dot com) and let her know what day/times might work for you.  Visiting hours are 11 am until 8 pm.  I believe there are a limited number of visitors allowed at one time so, it may not be possible for everyone who wants, to be able to visit this weekend.  But, there will be plenty of more opportunities in the coming weeks and I anticipate we will be able to set up more of a formal schedule or calendar once we figure out just how the visiting is going to work.


  1. So exciting! this is great progress! I am so happy for your local folks to get to come and visit - so happy that you all have made it to this point! I know that Scott will continue to improve under the fierce direction of his family - and what a relief to be able to open his world back up a little more, with a view, more familiar faces, and the beginning of a return to independence. So proud of all of you :)
