Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Preparing for Transfer Again

Scott's mom, Kay, is back in town and her, Jen and Floyd have temporarily relocated to a hotel near the hospital.  This will allow them to visit during the off times when Scott is most awake and alert. 

Speaking of awake and alert, on Monday night nurses brought a dog in to sit with Scott.  He immediately perked up and was very happy to have the companion to sit with on his bed.  Jen is trying to find out how often they can bring the dog in.  Maybe she can just sneak in one from home?

Scott will not undergo any more neuro surgeries for a few months until they replace the bone plate over the part of his skull that was removed.  Until that time he does not need neuro care so doctors are deciding where he will be transferred in the interim.  He may go to the Kaiser hospital in San Francisco temporarily but he will eventually be sent to a skilled nursing facility.  We are hoping it will be one that is close to SF since this will be a time when he can start to receive visitors. 


  1. Wow, so many decisions! Mom, I am glad you are there to help with some of this. Thanks again, Penny, for keeping us informed. In the meantime, we are all here and everywhere praying for healing and strength. We love you all.

  2. Penny - not sure if this is the case, but I think you guys (Jen, Mom, etc) should be able to have a big say in what SNF Scott gets transferred to. There are ratings of SNFs on the Medicare website and they'll give you addresses. The Social Worker on Scott's chart should also have access to this information to make it easier to gather the info you need to choose the right SNF for Scott and for you guys. Sending you all all the positivity I can from here...

  3. yay for dog therapy! wonderful to hear, wonderful that you all are at the point now of making these longer-term decisions. Scott, your family is amazing and dedicated, as you know - I'm glad you guys are closer for now to get those visits in when he's awake. Thinking good thoughts for the right situation to manifest regarding the best SNF.

  4. dogs are amazing. i hope he can have plenty of visits.

  5. bring on the pugs! my mother snuck my dog to see me during my brain surgery recovery stay , touching the dog it was a highlight of the 2 weeks... prayers continue for scott. love for you all
