Monday, April 2, 2012

A Strong Hand Squeeze

Scott is fighting the pneumonia.  He still has a fever, though the doctors and nurses have managed to keep it low by giving him Tylenol and switching his antibiotic last night.

Jen and Kay are spending the morning with him and Jen reports that he is starting to try to open one of his eyes.  Also, when Kay was leaning over him telling him all about what sweet little Floyd has been up to, Scott gave her a strong hand squeeze.



  1. This is good news... Give him a squeeze back from all of us.

  2. Way to go, Scott, those strong drummer's arms and Mom's voice talking about your sweet Floyd & Jen by your side!!!! Wonderful news!

  3. So great to hear. Penny your continued descriptive posts give us the sense that we're standing by Scott's side and witnessing his recovery. Thanks so much for keeping us informed the way you have.
    Cousin Andrea

  4. That is so amazing and just made my day! Stay strong Jen & Scott!

  5. Good work Scott, Jen, Penny, Kay, and all of Scott's friends and family, especially Andy O! Scott, I was at a show Saturday night, and the usual impulse to dial you up and broadcast was frustrated by this coma business, but I was thinking of you!

  6. Huxxxah hurray!!! Thank you Miss Penny!!! Scott we are all so glad you you squeezed your mamas hand!!!

  7. great news!

    thanks Penny for all the updates.

  8. sounds like things are heading in the right direction....keep up the good fight, scott......

  9. Amazing news! Scott, you can do it!

  10. Our heartfelt thoughts are with all of you. We are hoping for Scott's recovery and are checking the blog every day.

    Gloria and George Marshall
    Charlotte, NC

  11. Great news. Really nice to see the progress. Keep Fighting Scott!! Thanks for all the updates!

  12. Be strong bud and big squeeze to you. Love to you all .
